Monday, May 2, 2011

WOW. Just, wow.

Remember Ash? From a couple blog posts ago? Hot guy, lots of good sex? Stopped talking to me? Yeah, well guess who randomly decides to text me?

Then says" I've been traveling and gone"

Yeah, and your phone randomly stopped working for 3 weeks? Ha. I know I shouldn't text him or talk to him, but hey, he was GREAT in bed, and my other "fuck buddy" became all retarded again and needs a break aparently, so why the hell not? I need some fun in my life, since I'm not doing anything else. And he's hot. So semi-win for me. He can be my new time filler ;)

Anyways. It's my last 2 weeks at my job.... it is SO weird being here. It's really weird knowing I won't be coming in here anymore after a year and a half. I'll definitely miss a few people, and only those few people. At least I know I've made some friends that I can actually call real friends. Well, one person anyways, and you know who you are =) I'll miss working with them everyday, but I know we will carry our friendship past just work! But, I'm off to a new chapter of my life and I hope it goes well. If not, at least my manager has assured me that I can always fall back here if I ever need to, so that makes life a little better knowing I've still got the option and chance for a job back here.

Well, off to rock on to Runaway by Bon Jovi that just came on Pandora. =)


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