Thursday, April 14, 2011


is that dreadful day. Moving day. Although, I'll be busier with things prior to actually moving.

Bright and early, at 8am, I get to go to the lovely MVD and get a new license since mine expiered, for whatever reason, last month. Then, I have a dermotologist appointment at 9:30, which I'm praying I'll make on time! THEN, I have to go to my college and re-take a reading test and (cross your fingers) test out of the "critical reading" class, and THEN, then finally, I have to deal with all the moving.

But, as annoyed, frustrated, stressed, and emotional I've been the past few weeks leading up to this, I'm SO ready for a new start. I have a gym in walking distance, so that's where I'll spend majority of my evenings (and hopefully will run into a hottie that lives there and fall madly in love.... hey a girl can dream, right? :P ) and the pool is right next to the gym, so what better way to refresh myself from sweating my ass of than taking a nice dip in the pool?

My mom, 2 little brothers, and daughter are going on vacation to Croatia again this year, while my daddy and I are stuck at home and work! Lol. But, I've decided to do HCG as soon as school lets out, and hopefully by my 21st birthday, I'll have a nice(er) body! =) That is in August! EEK. That's one thing I cannot wait for!

This blog will be a big help while I'm going through HCG and working out and stuff. It'll give me motivation. Maybe I'll put up before&after pics! Maybe!


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