Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where to start??

Well, I've been contemplating blogging or starting a journal or something to just get my thoughts out and to vent, considering life's been pretty hectic for, well, as long as I can remember.

Where to start??
I guess with what's bothering me the most currently. Moving.
God, I hate moving. As a kid, I never really remembered much of it, since I didn't have any worries. But now? I have to do literally EVERYTHING. My family is unfortunately another family here in the States that has to deal with foreclosure. Now we're all moving into a nice apartment. Big change going from living in a house for 9 years, then moving back into an apartment. But anyways. I'm the one that has to call the stupid mortgage company (Wells Fargo can suck my ass- them and their "we're gonna help ya, oh just kidding, you didn't get approved into our program to help you cause you don't have enough money for us), then I've gotta call APS and set up an account, get renter's insurance, pack all my shit.
Not only that, but I work full-time, 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday and then also go to school on top of that, and I also have a daughter, who's 3, and help support my family.
Did I mention that I'm only 20? Yeah....

Things have been kinda craptastic lately. I feel like I've got no friends left. B and I met in 7th grade and had a strong relationship all the way through out middle school, high school, and for 1/2 of the first year of college. She became closer to another person, and I met A in one of my classes at school and she and I became very close, good friends, fast. Apparently, B was jealous of that and I was jealous of her relationship with the other person. Now we talk once every couple months, and it's always me texting first and starting the conversation. Now when we talk, it's like I don't even know her anymore.... well I really don't actually. We've both changed throughout the past year or so, but I still thought I'd have her to lean back on when times got hard. Every time I try to talk about shit that's going on with me, she ends up turning it back on herself, trying to make her shit and situation worse and harder than mine. Whatever happened to just listening and giving advice? Crying til we laughed and laughing til we cried. She doesn't even know how big of a hole is in my heart from her not being in it at all anymore, and whenever I try to get together or tell her, she's busy..... how is it that I'm the one with the kid, full time job, full time school, and everyone else is the busy one? I just wish things could be remotely close to how they used to be... now I sometimes even get annyoed talking to her because all she does is complain about this and that and all I want to do is just talk and laugh and drive around throughout the night as if we don't have any cares in the world... but I guess what hurts me the most is whenever I'm told she's busy, but then all over Facebook, she's with this friend or that one, or she's making plans with others but always busy when I ask. That's just sad. Hmph...

My other bfffff A and I don't have this issue. She's just been busy with work and her new beau in her life. They're pretty serious and spend every single day together. Hopefully I'll be the maid of honor if this day comes. And hopefully, one day I'll be able to get what they have.

I guess this post is just going to jump around and be really random. Oh well, it is my blog, after all, right?

Meh, I'll continue on another day.

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